Friday, August 04, 2006

Newsbusters: "Dan Rather Concedes Media's Hezbollah 'Moral Equivalence' Problem"

I didn't think he had it in him. This is a partial transcript of Rather's appearance on the O'Reilly Factor on Wednesday:
Bill O'Reilly: "But here's the problem with American reportage. Some networks give moral equivalency to Hezbollah in the reporting of this war."

Dan Rather: "I agree that that's a problem."

O'Reilly: "Do you agree it happens?"

Rather: "I agree it happens, and I agree it's a problem, that, it's a problem that those of us in journalism have been reluctant to address -- I do not exclude myself from this criticism -- reluctant to address that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization."

O'Reilly: "Right."

Rather: "It's committed to the destruction of Israel. It isn't committed to trying to just gain territory. It's committed to its destruction."
O'Reilly should have gone on to ask him if the Memogate documents were produced using Microsoft Word.

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