Thursday, October 05, 2006

Darrell Issa and what federal spending he would like to cut

This is from the San Diego Union-Tribune blog UT-Opinion Online:
So put yourself in these shoes: You are a veteran Republican congressman of Lebanese Christian descent who is one of the most prominent Arab-American politicians in the country. You have, over the years, faced criticism from Jewish media sources for allegedly being soft on Yasser Arafat and Syria and allegedly seeing Israel as the primary cause of problems in the Middle East. It is an open question whether the criticism is fair. Nevertheless, the national chairman of the Jewish Defense League even plotted to bomb your district office.

So you are meeting with your local newspaper's editorial board, one of whose whiny members (that would be me) keeps pounding away at you over the ridiculous overspending by the Republican Congress. So while generally defending your party and your colleagues, you do, over the course of an hourlong interview, criticize two aspects of federal spending.

One is crop subsidies for well-off farmers.

And the other is ..... homeland-security funding for cameras and other security measures for Jewish organizations.


Rep. Darrell Issa, what are you thinking?
Can't the Republican Party in California come up with some convincing political figures? (Hat Tip: NJDC by way of DovBear)

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