Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Haveil Havalim 88 is up!

AbbaGav has overcome recent technical difficulties just in time to present the latest edition of Haveil Havalim, the Jewish Blogging Carnival. Categories include "The High Holidays," "Generally Jewish," "Defending Israel," and "Big Media and What They Don't Cover." The only thing Haveil Havalim lacks now is a song:

Please Sir or Madam
Would you read my post
It took me 15 minutes
Which is more than most
It's a longish excerpt from the New York Times
I added "Read the rest"
And I wanna be in Haveil Havalim

It's a clever think-piece 'bout a talking fish
And a Gilgul Dog calls it "Tavarish"
The Ummah's seething that it isn't theirs
There's a funny picture
And it ought to be in Haveil Havalim

Haveil Havalim (Haveil Havalim)

If you do include it
It will boost your stats
I included several pictures of my cats
It has trackbacks, updates, and a comment thread
It's a masterpiece
And it ought to be in Haveil Havalim . . .

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