Saturday, April 02, 2011

Irangrish Headline of the Day: "Iran Rigid about Economic Jihad"

From Fars News:
Different Iranian officials hailed the Supreme Leader's initiative in naming the Iranian new year as "The Year of Economic Jihad", saying that the move would stimulate the country's economy.

"Over the past decades Supreme Leader (of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei), with his complete awareness of domestic and international issues, has chosen a name for every new year that has motivated society," Iran's Ambassador to Malaysia Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi told the Islamic republic news agency on Saturday.

"Considering the country's situation and international issues the Leader has named the new year as the year of Economic Jihad," he added.

In a Nowrouz (Persian New Year) congratulatory message Ayatollah Khamenei called for concerted efforts by the Iranian nation and officials to prepare the grounds for a decade of economic growth.

"In the Economic Jihad program both short-term and long-term views must be taken into consideration as they are indispensable," Zahedi said.

"While making long-term economic plans, projects with short-term objectives must also be taken into consideration an example of which is the targeted subsidy plan," the Iranian envoy added.

Iran's ambassador to Malaysia also said that while carrying out long-term economic planning, attention should also be paid to moves with short-term goals such as the subsidy reform plan, etc.
And, of course, they have declared Jihad against some of the zeroes in their currency.

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