I usually don't post on Chol HaMo'eid. See you when it's all over.
UP TO 95,000 descendants of the prophet Muhammad are planning to bring a libel action in Britain over “blasphemous” cartoons of the founder of Islam, even though they were published in the Danish press . . .The Times article explores the jurisdiction issue--is this the latest and ultimate example of "libel tourism" in Great Britain? I'm struck by the dubious notion of a libel suit over the portrayal of a figure from the distant past. Can all those "descendants" prove that they are descendants? MPAC.ie thinks glorious days for the Ummah are here again:
[The lucky lawyer] said the descendants could argue that the cartoons — which first appeared in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in 2005, sparking violent protests around the world — were a direct slur on them. [...]
This is fantastic news and the way to go in lands that protect blasphemers. Muslims need to pool their monetary resources and bring ingrates who insult the prophet to justice. Like we have said before, a few high profile cases that bring offenders to ruin will dissuade would-be transgressors and restore our honour for the Prophet retains his among the angels and the believers. It is WE who have shamed ourselves by our inaction, indolence and apathy.Wow--riots resulting in over 100 deaths are described as "apathy." They're not exactly shrinking violets, are they?
In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abraham, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and others, and most recently . . .And most recently their guy, of course. That’s how it always is. They are currently catching hell in Iran for including Muhammed in this parade of the now-replaced.
The religion of the Shia’ was founded by a Jew from Yemen called Abdullah bin Saba’ and spread after with the assassination of the rightly guided Khalifa Uthman, branching into many sections.According to something called allaahuakbar.net:
. . . when the Jews were convinced they are unable to halt the fast growing and spreading of Christianity by means of force, they planed to destroy it from within. This mission was successfully carried out by Rabbi Paul. When Islam came, likewise, the Jews again attempted to abort this new religion. Their endeavors took many forms and shapes, from attempts to assassinate the Apostle of Allah [saw] to waging wars that ended in deporting most of them from al-Madinah or executing those who betrayed the truce. Similarly, they were convinced that the best way to destroy Islam and the Muslims' unity was to resort to the plot they used with Christianity. A Yemenite Jew by the name of Abdullah bin Saba' , as Paul did, pretended to have embraced Islam to plant secretly the seeds of this new cult which he successfully performed.
[...] The Saudi ban on ‘church buildings’ has meant that Christians in that land have now partly returned to the New Testament model of worship (they still maintain many polytheist practices that have nothing to do with the religion that ‘Isa (Jesus) brought) in the same way that the early Christians did, in small joyful gatherings.If you say so. Another post is about what will happen to cartoonist Lars Vilks in the after-life (see here for background):
Islam has once again demonstrated its position as the true criterion between what is right and wrong in the former religions. [...]
[...] The punishment for mocking the Prophet in an Islamic state is severe, both for Muslims and non-Muslims. However the situation for those in the Hereafter is far worse.And finally, a post about how shameful it is that it takes a Socialist organization to hold a protest on behalf of Aafia Siddiqui:
For while the Muslim who commits the grievous sin may repent, s/he will still be subject to execution in this life – their repentance will benefit them in the Hereafter. There is no such recompense for the non-Muslim. [...]
[...] What is wrong with Muslims that the Kuffar have now become the protectors of the Ummah’s most vulnerable. Where are the men who once went to war over the honour of ONE Muslim woman?Show those Noam Chomsky types who's boss!
Last year we subjected ourselves to Socialists who led anti-war marches against the onslaught in Gaza, they called for a socialist Middle east while Muslims were forbidden to chant our solidarity with those fighting the aggressive occupier in our land. What is wrong with us?
It’s time to wake up and take a lead in these matters, if conscientious non-Muslims wish to come under OUR banner then they are most welcome, but it is WE who should dictate the direction of campaigns NOT them.
General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed a performance given by the KPA Song and Dance Ensemble.The latest editions of Haveil Havalim are "rich in ideological contents and high in artistry."
Put on the stage were such colorful numbers as mixed chorus "Glory to General", male chorus "Appearing in the East and in the West, It's the Anti-Japanese Guerilla Style", female quartet "Push Back the Frontiers of Science", female solo and chorus "Mass-production of Vinalon, a Sign of Happiness", kayagum ensemble "Thinking of Journeys for Songun Leadership", dance "We Are Defenders and Builders of a Thriving Nation" and mixed chorus "A Thriving Nation Is in Sight".
The performers enthusiastically sang of the might of the heroic KPA which has grown to be a matchless army under the care of the great brilliant commander and the indefatigable stamina of Songun Korea and fully demonstrated the rock-firm faith and indomitable will of the army and people of the DPRK to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche, following the Party forever.
At the end of the performance, Kim Jong Il acknowledged the enthusiastic cheers of the performers and audience and congratulated the performers on their successful performance.
Expressing great satisfaction over the fact that the artistes of the ensemble gave a splendid performance rich in ideological contents and high in artistry as it fully reflected the noble ideological and moral world and the militant stamina of the KPA, he highly estimated the success made in the performance and extended thanks to them.
The ensemble has powerfully encouraged the army and people of the DPRK in the revolution and construction through its revolutionary and militant art creative activities in the past, he said, once again highly appreciating its great feats.
He advanced important tasks that would serve as guidelines for the revolutionary art creation and performing activities. [...]
Ahmed Ja’abri, commander of Hamas' armed wing, Izaddin al-Kassam, recently sent an urgent letter to Hamas leader in Damascus Khaled Masha’al, warning that the situation in the Gaza Strip was “deteriorating,” and that Hamas has started losing control over the territory, London-based Arab-language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Saturday morning. [...]Besides Hamas, I assume that means.
According to the report, Ja’abri wrote Mahsa’al that “several worrisome explosions recently occurred in Gaza, security anarchy is extensive, and al-Kassam men are being killed.” [...]
The paper quoted Palestinian sources as saying that Hamas operatives who oppose Haniyeh were behind the attacks. Others suggested that the explosions were carried out by fundamentalist Islamic jihad groups.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Iran’s grandeur has astounded the world.You'll be flabbergasted at the grandeur of the latest Haveil Havalim.
Those who thought that the Iranian nation’s power has been undermined are now astounded by its grandeur, he said in a gathering of provincial governors in Tehran on Monday.
He also pointed out that the current unity among the Iranian nation is unique.
"The national cohesion and the unity which is currently dominant in our country is much more that the last years," he said.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Ahmadinejad emphasized that no one should attempt to classify the people into groups because “the nation consists of 70 million believers and supporters of the system." [...]