Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Save Gush Katif

Some reasons not to pull out of Gaza:

Reward for terror

Terror regimes all over the world see it as a "cave in" which undermines our position of no concessions and no negotiations with terrorists.

Blow to democracy

Gives prestige to the P.L.O./P.A., the most corrupt and repressive Arab regime in the Mideast. It's a fatal blow to moderate, democracy-minded Palestinians.

Undermines our Mideast allies

Pro Western regimes like Jordan, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar will become destabilized and risk radicalization.

Strengthens our global rivals

Facilitates the road to a reassertive Russia in the Mideast via arms sales to the P.L.O./P.A. China and North Korea are also making deals with the P.L.O./P.A.

Undermines Egyptian/Israeli Peace Agreement

Erases the DMZ & puts Egyptian & Israeli forces face-to-face for the first time in 26 years.

Ignores the plight of Christians

The handover of Bethlehem to the P.L.O./P.A. in 1995 caused a mass exodus of Christians resulting from assault, rape, murder and intimidation.

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