Sunday, June 04, 2006

Linkim 6/4/06

Haveil Havalim 72 is up. (Or "handed down.")

Martin Kramer compiles some criticisms of Hamas by one Edward Said. Also, Yale didn't hire Juan Cole.

Michelle Malkin has a good comprehensive post about the recent Canadian terror bust and the lame press coverage thereof. See the links there and also this and this.

Elder of Ziyon reports that support for the Palestinians in Europe is "crashing."

Simply Jews explains "Post Zionism"

The UK Muslim News reprints an article from IRNA asserting that the British government "learnt nothing from London attacks." Guress what they want them to "learn"?

Judeosphere compares the left to a "Restricted Club" where Israel is concerned.

Felafel declared Un-Islamic. (h/t: Dhimmi Watch)

Don Surber offers "A Hard Look at A Haditha Editorial" in the NY Times. (h/t: Instapundit)

Real Clear Politics suggests a "New Narrative" for Liberals. profiles yet another Jewish Chess Champion.

Power Line tries to figure out how "colonial horrors" could have led to AIDS.

History's End announces some "Good News from Peru." Round-up here.

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