Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Roseanne on dividing Jerusalem

What better way to foster interfaith unity!
i noticed that the subject of dividing jerusalem into three was covered on the front page of drudge report today. This was the first time I ever saw the story make it to the news.

I have written here of my desire to see that happen...a tribunal of muslims, jews and catholics administering the City of David according to the vision of David himself:
Jerusalem as a living example of International Interfaith.

I see the three different interpretations of Abrahamic Law (which was basically about replacing human and animal sacrifice with a monetary system) becoming ONE together. I see the rebuilding of The Temple in Jerusalem as allegorical. The thought of it still relevant today.

This is what was taught in the temple: brotherhood and peace, charity, justice and the apportioning of wealth to include caring for the poor. No private wealth was allowed. The top ten percent of the GNP of the city went first to caring for the needy and the poor, and the orphans. David's wife was Arab.

THE CITY OF DAVID is about Utopian Peace.
Oddly enough, that last statement is true.

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