And he's pointing that finger of
truth at you, World Arrogance Man:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemned Washington for planning the September 11 incidents, and said the US staged the move in a bid to find an excuse to wage war on Muslim nations.
"The September 11 (attacks) were actually a planned game to provoke the human community's sentiments and find an excuse for launching attack on Muslim regions and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, which led to the massacre of one million innocent people," Ahmadinejad said on Sunday.
He also said that the arrogant powers attempt to wage war in different parts of the world in order to sell the weapons produced by their arms production plants.
In similar remarks earlier this month, a senior Iranian Foreign Ministry official and a career diplomat, Mohsen Pakaein, blamed the American Neoconservatives for the September 11 attacks on the US, saying that Neocons have victimized thousands of Americans in a bid to attain an array of large-scale goals, including finding control over the world nations and their wealth.
Ahmadinejad had also, in his address to the 65th UN General Assembly meeting in New York late in September 2010, had called on the world body to form an independent fact-finding group about the 9/11 attacks on the US.
"It is proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of September 11 so that expressing views about it will not be forbidden in future," Ahmadinejad said. [...]
Hmmm, that's something he usually says about the Holocaust. Is he getting his conspiracies confused again?
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