Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Linkim 2/28/06
AbbaGav gives us a glimpse of future protest banners.
Elder of Ziyon has posts about the playing card riots and a much blogged-about "Manifesto against Islamic Totalitarianism."
A breaking story at Judeosphere: "Malaysian Politician Exposes Zionist Computer Geek"
Eruv Online critiques the "Los Angeles Eruv Guidebook."
Big Pharaoh points indignantly to some cartoons about the Port deal.
Daled Amos discusses the Port deal and the Arab boycott of Israel.
Boker Tov, Boulder points out that the 25,000 Jews remaining in Iran may be in danger.
Simply Jews reveals the Saline Conspiracy.
Update: A great post from Captain's Quarters on Clinton "triangulation."
Iran Focus: Rap vs. Mullas
Rap music is rapidly becoming a popular in Iran and a new CD which mocks the Islamic Republic’s ruling ayatollahs is taking the country by storm.You gotta fight for your right to party?
The latest in the line of music making fun of Iran’s top clerics is an album made by a group called Dalu.
The artists have taken popular rap beats and replaced the lyrics with their own versions, blasting the ayatollahs iron rule, incompetence in economic affairs, and even their unfashionable attire.
Iranian youths, who make up over 70 percent of the total population, have taken a liking to rap music, and the combo of hip beats and anti-mullah lyrics have been turning into a huge hit in Iran’s urban areas.
Tags: rap music, Iran, Mullas, Ayatollahs
New Jersey Jewish News: "Activists plan New Jersey conference to address [engage in?] left-wing anti-Semitism"
Facing a Challenge Within: A Progressive Scholars’ and Activists’ Conference on Anti-Semitism & the Left will include presenters from the New Jersey region of the Workmen’s Circle’ Arbeter Ring, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, and Meretz USA.Keynote speakers are important, right?
Joseph L. Graves, a professor of evolutionary biology at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University and a Westfield native, is scheduled to give the keynote speech. Its title is “Anti-Semitism and Racism: Cut from the Same Cloth To Achieve the Same Ends?”Nuance is very important when it comes to non-existence. Want another sample?
“I’m going to look at anti-Semitism in the present context and try to distinguish between anti-Semitism and what one might consider to be legitimate criticisms of Israel’s foreign policy. They are not the same things,” Graves said.
“There are some people who claim that if you make any criticism of Israel’s foreign policy, it immediately makes you anti-Semitic. I disagree with that. There are some scholars, including some Jewish scholars, who believe that historically maybe a Jewish state wasn’t the best thing. That is very different from the knee-jerk reaction that Israel has no right to exist.”
Esther Kaplan, a leader of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice in New York, will lead a workshop on the convergence of left- and right-wing anti-Semitism. “When you go to an antiwar march or a march for Palestinian rights, chances are you’re going to see some signs that are inappropriate,” she said: a swastika in the center of an Israeli flag, for example. “In a gathering of more than 250 people, you’re going to see some nuts in the room.”Going to a pro-Palestinian march and seeing some inappropriate signs--I hate it when that happens!
But, Kaplan said, she was more troubled by “an emboldened and empowered Christian Right that wants to make this into a Christian nation . . . "And worst of all, they support the Colonialist Settler-State.
Tags: leftists, anti-Semitism, cluelessness, Judaism, Israel
Just a regular guy

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a short visit Tuesday to Azadi stadium west of capital Tehran to watch and join a training session of the national football team.Another blog has already noted this side of Ahmadinejad.
He was briefed by the head of the football federation and team coaches on the status of the team.
President Ahmadinejad was welcomed upon arrival by a crowd of fans who were watching the training.
President Ahmadinejad did not hesitate to sport the national jersey and join capped men for minutes, a move which was highly cheered.
Tags: Ahmadinejad, Iran, sports, soccer
Iran Focus: Ayatollah OKs Embassy Attacks
A senior Iranian cleric has approved attacks on foreign embassies in Tehran over the publication of insulting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in European dailies, a website belonging to the office of hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reported.
“Muslims must take the most ferocious stance against insults to Islamic sanctities”, the senior cleric told Ayatollah Dorri Najaf-Abadi, the country’s Chief State Prosecutor, according to the Persian-language website Khedmat.
“If setting fire to embassies of countries that insult the Prophet aims to show that these countries no longer have any place in Islamic countries then this act is permissible”, the senior ayatollah was quoted as saying.
“Anyone who dies in this path [of protests against the insults] is a martyr”, he said.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, embassy attacks, Iran
Monday, February 27, 2006
Islam Online: "Ask About Islam: How and Why Scriptures Got Distorted"
If we take the Bible as an example, the process of distortion, in my personal view, was a process of interpretation that happened through translation. When you translate something from one language to another, you are actually giving your own interpretation in the target language of translation, which interpretation could be accurate or distorted, that is, close to or far from the original meaning.That's right, all we have now is an English translation of the Torah.
This is one of the lessons that we Muslims are to learn as well. The Qur'an should certainly remain in Arabic. Yes, we have to translate its meanings as accurately as we can for many practical reasons (writing articles in English is one of them!). But the original Arabic Scripture has to remain preserved. The way by which Islam preserved its Scripture was to encourage millions of people, in every era, to memorize it by heart and be vigilant to the slightest distortion in it. This is not what happened with the Bible, unfortunately, and what we have now is an English translation of the Greek translation of the original language. The original (Jesus's Aramaic and Moses's Hebrew) is lost.
Tags: Islam, Torah, translation, Koran, morons
(North) Korean News: "Rodong Sinmun on Music-based Politics of WPK"
A revolutionary song is a song of advance resounding in the ranks of struggle and a powerful impetus that stirs up the hearts of all the army and people to arouse them as one, says Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial. It goes on:I keep thinking of the gunshots in Spike Jones records.
The music-based politics of the Workers' Party of Korea reflects the reality of the country where the whole society is seething with revolutionary emotion and optimism and embodies leader Kim Jong Il's firm determination and will to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered on Mt. Paektu with the might of music and songs as well as arms.
Revolutionary music has become an invincible weapon of the Korean revolution along with arms and the Korean army and people are firmly convinced of a rosy future of the country and a final victory of the cause of Juche in the music-based politics of the headquarters of the revolution.Shhh, don't tell Iran . .
The music-based politics of the Party is a powerful weapon which helps strengthen in every way the single-minded unity of the army and people around the headquarters of the revolution.
The single-minded unity of the revolutionary ranks in which all the army and people follow the leader, singing revolutionary songs, is unbreakable and more powerful than a nuclear weapon.
The music-based politics of the Party is also a powerful means which enables the army and people to valiantly break through any trial and difficulty and create an epoch-making miracle in the revolution and construction.They undoubtedly play special revolutionary instruments: Juche-o-phones.
No matter what hard and vast task they may face, the Korean army and people will overcome difficulties, more loudly singing revolutionary songs, songs of Songun, and build a great prosperous powerful nation of Juche in this land with their own efforts. Korean revolutionary songs are songs of everlasting conviction, songs of advance that guarantee victory of the cause of Songun. The U.S. imperialists' war moves to stifle the DPRK with corrupt ideological and cultural poisoning and by force will be impotent before the Korean army and people dynamically advancing, optimistic of future and full of conviction.
The Korean revolution will dynamically advance full of vigor as long as there are the invincible music-based politics of the great commander of Songun and the army and people who struggle, loudly singing songs of revolution.
Tags: Juche-coups, North Korea, Kim Jong Il, Spike Jones
Iran Focus: "Terrorist training camps in Iran"
"The Qods Force has an extensive network that uses the facilities of Iranian embassies or cultural and economic missions or a number of religious institutions such as the Islamic Communications and Culture Organisation to recruit radical Islamists in Muslim countries or among the Muslims living in the West. After going through preliminary training and security checks in those countries, the recruits are then sent to Iran via third countries and end up in one of the Qods Force training camps”, the officer said.Iran Focus has an RSS feed, by the way.
The Imam Ali Garrison has been a long-time training ground for foreign terrorist operatives. Presently, some 50 Islamists from neighbouring Arab countries are receiving training there in five groups of 10, the officer said.
“Iraq followed by the Palestinian territories have become the focal point of the Qods Force’s activities. Many of the foreign recruits in these camps now come from these two areas, but others come from a wide range of countries, including the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, North Africa and south-east Asia”, he said. “In most camps, the Sunnis outnumber the Shiites”.
“The scale and breadth of Qods Force operations in Iraq are far beyond what we did even during the war with Saddam”, the officer said, referring to the IRGC’s extensive activities in Iraq during the eight-year Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. “Vast areas of Iraq are under the virtual control of the Qods Force through its Iraqi surrogates. It uses a vast array of charities, companies and other fronts to conduct its activities across Iraq."
Tags: Iran, terrorism, slime-buckets, Iraq
Single-malt Scotch
And it was Shabbos Mevarchim Adar
You used to make kiddush on wine
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
But now you're old
You make kiddush on mashka
And no one gives you a potch
Single-malt scotch
Single-malt scotch
Single-malt scotch
Single-malt scotch
When does it matter to ya
Life is just a piece of fish
And a challa roll
And the brocha ends with shehakol
You used to make
Kiddush on wine
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
But now you're old
You make kiddush on mashka
And no one gives you a potch
Single-malt scotch
Single-malt scotch
Single-malt scotch
Single-malt scotch
Tags: song-parodies, scotch, kiddush, shehakol
IRIB: "Persian Gulf is gulf of peace"
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left Tehran Monday morning for Kuwait city upon a one-day visit.
During the short visit, the president will hold talks with new Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad as-Sabah on mutual relations, regional and international situation.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said before departure that Iran and Kuwait enjoy ancient ties in various fields as well as lots of commonalities.
"Given the recent developments in Kuwait, it is a necessity for Iranian officials to visit the country and hold talks on mutual relation and regional and international issues", the president told reporters at the Mehrabad internaional airport.
The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the Persian Gulf as the gulf of peace and freindship, he added.
Tags: Iran, Kuwait, Ahmadinejad
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Linkim 2/26/06
Steyn's latest.
Haveil Havalim is up.
Soccer Dad describes the "Evolution of a Blogger."
Some interesting and widely discussed defeatism from William F. Buckley.
Brussels Journal reports on the 2006 Brussels Capitalist Ball
Living Tradition has an "Honor of the Prophet" blogging carnival. (h/t: Under Progress)
"Choose your country carefully," warns the Religious Policeman.
Martin Kramer's site always has Linkage on the right of the main page.
Iran Focus: Blair trampled in effigy
Hard-line Islamists staged two demonstrations outside the British embassy in Tehran on Sunday, hurled stones and petrol bombs at the compound and set fire to British, American, Israeli and Danish flags, as they accused London of being behind the bombing of a revered Shiite Muslim shrine in the Iraqi city of Samarra.
“By the blood of our martyrs, we will kill you, Blair”, the radical Islamists chanted, as they trampled on an effigy of British Prime Minister Tony Blair. A similar slogan was chanted against U.S. President George W. Bush.
Tags: Iran, Blair, Bush, mayhem, shrine-bombing
Islamophobia and anti-Semitism
The great truth that Islam Online can never admit, of course, is that not all negative perceptions of Islam are bigoted. I would identify four sources of negative perceptions of Islam: vulgar ethnic bigotry, realistic perceptions of a terrorist threat from Islamists, realistic negative perceptions based on true advantages of modern liberal culture over Islam, and knee-jerk chauvinistic perceptions based on supposed advantages of modern liberal culture over Islam and other traditional cultures. (Gender segregation in schools is not necessarily patriarchal oppression, for instance.)
To begin with, vulgar ethnic bigotry against Muslims does exist. European culture does contain traditional negative stereotypes of Muslims and there are unresolved tensions between immigrant communities (including Muslims) and older populations in various Western countries. References to "ragheads" would be an example of vulgar ethnic prejudice.
There is also a reality-based concern that the growing Muslim presence in various Western countries brings with it certain threats. There have been major terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists in America, Spain, and Britain. It does not require belief that all Muslims support terrorism to worry that a significant segment of the Muslim population does support terror and to worry that this segment is busy hatching more attacks. The extremists may be a minority among Muslims, but it is worth noting that they constitute a powerful minority. Until recently Muslim extremists controlled Afghanistan and they currently control Iran. The regime in Syria harbors and supports Islamist terrorist groups. The regime in Saudi Arabia has, or has had, a modus vivendi with the extremists. Two of the major Palestinian political parties are Muslim extremist groups (Islamic Jihad and Hamas), and the third, Fatah, features a group that terms itself a "Martyrs Brigade." Etc.
This concern may overestimate or underestimate the threat that actually exists, it may or may not take the form of suspicion that the threat is inherent to Islam, but whatever form it takes, it is likely to be mistakenly lumped together with vulgar ethnic bigotry as Islamophobia by Muslims and also by proponents of political correctness. This is especially true since this concern, though realistic, is actually also fueling an increase in vulgar ethnic bigotry.
Other concerns and perceptions of Islam may also involve varying mixtures of bigotry, chauvinism, and realism. There is the concern, for instance, that Islam may increase its power in the West (through a higher-than-average birthrate, for instance) to the point that it becomes a powerful influence on social norms and threatens Western norms such as freedom of speech and women's equality.
Any discussion of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism must also acknowledge that among the major religions, Muslims themselves stand out as the most receptive to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. The recent Tsunami, the Jyllands-Posten Porphet cartoons, and the recent attacks on Muslim shrines in Iraq, have all been widely attributed to Jews by Muslims, including the government of Iran. The perception that the Muslim world is currently experiencing an epidemic of anti-Semitism (a correct perception when accompanied by the appropriate qualifications and limitations) actually and ironically contributes to the current anti-Muslim backlash in the West.
Tags: Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, terrorism, Islam, Judaism
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Flemming Rose Bio at Wikipedia
Rose has a major in Russian language and literature from University of Copenhagen. From 1990 to 1996 he was the Moscow correspondent for the newspaper Berlingske Tidende. Between 1996 and 1999 he was the correspondent for the same newspaper in Washington, D.C.. In 1999 he became Moscow correspondent for the newspaper Jyllands-Posten and January 2005 the cultural editor of that paper (KulturWeekend).There was evidently an editing war over this entry, with certain individuals inserting the assertion that he is Jewish and others demanding proof (not forthcoming) and removing it. The discussion thread makes very entertaining and instructive reading.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Jyllands-Posten, Flemming Rose
Songun's just another word for nothing left to lose . . .
The 3rd meeting of pacesetters of the Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement closed today. The meeting proudly reviewed the validity of the unique line of three revolutions -- ideological, technical and cultural -- which President Kim Il Sung put forth in line with the immortal Juche idea, the idea of uninterrupted revolution and the great vitality of the movement which is being led by the Workers' Party of Korea and powerfully demonstrated the high revolutionary enthusiasm and firm will of the whole party and all the people to bring about a great surge in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation by spurring on the general march of the Songun revolution through the mighty all-people movement.And also demonstrated by extremely long sentences?
Speeches were made at the meeting on Feb. 24. An appeal to all party members and other working people was adopted at the meeting. The appeal said:They seem to feel that slogans can accomplish a lot.
We are now facing the tasks to put spurs once again on the general march of the Songun revolution and give full play to the advantages of Korean-style socialism in all political, military, economic and cultural fields.
"Let us bring about a big surge on all fronts of building a great prosperous powerful nation by accelerating the three revolutions under the banner of Songun!" This is a militant slogan that the movement should hold high.
The present ideological revolution requires preparing all the people to be indomitable fighters who devotedly defend the leader and revolutionaries who absolutely follow, defend and carry through the Songun idea and line of the Party. To defend the leader devotedly is our foremost life and soul and best patriotic loyalty. "Let us hold the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung forever in high esteem as the sun of Juche and accomplish his revolutionary cause creditably!" "Let us defend the revolutionary headquarters headed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Il at the risk of our lives!"Busted flat in Pyongang, waitin' for some gruel . . .
The appeal called for preferentially providing everything needed to strengthen the People's Army and develop the national defence industry, devoting all sincerity to assisting the army and carrying through the party policy of putting all the people under arms and turning the whole country into a fortress to strengthen the military might of Korean-style socialism in every way.
It underscored the need to step up the modernization and information-orientation of the national economy so that the economy may be boosted as a whole in the near future and the people may substantially benefit from the economic foundations and to concentrate all efforts on farming to settle the food problem sufficiently for people.
It laid stress on pushing ahead with reconstruction and modernization based on up-to-date science and technology in a bold, big and innovative way and developing the culture of Korea into the socialist culture of Songun, revolutionary, militant and civilized, modeling after soldier culture.The last sentence is incredible:
It stressed that all the people should become standard-bearers of the three revolutions, the standard-bearers twice standard-bearers, the twice standard-bearers triple standard-bearers and the triple standard-bearers heroes of the Songun era.
Tags: North Korea, Juche-coups, Kim Jong Il, Juche-speak, Songun
DOS Attack on Iran Focus
A four-week investigation into serious malfunctions in the Iran Focus news site has revealed that the website was the victim of malicious cyber attacks from Tehran, the website’s co-director Javid Akbari said.You have to wonder why Tehran bothers. The news sites they control make them look just as bad.
Following several spates of irregular service in Iran Focus, the technical department carried out a review of the site’s structural integrity and outside influences to discover possible cause of the disruption in service.
The source of the attacks was difficult to trace as they were occurring in irregular patterns and at times via interim platforms, but after lengthy investigations, it was discovered that several IPs were systematically carrying out DOS (Denial of Service) attacks on the site to disrupt services.
Tags: Iran, Islamohackers, journalism, DOS
Friday, February 24, 2006
Substitute me for him
Substitute Leader of Tehran's Friday Prayers Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani here condemned the criminal act of bombing the holy shrines of Imam Hadi and Imam Hassan Asgari in Samarra, Iraq and called for unity between all Muslims of the world.
Addressing thousands of worshipers at Tehran University Campus, the Ayatollah said Shia and Sunni Muslims would rebuild the holy shrines but the agents of the Western arrogance, US leaders, Mossad, CIA and the Zionists would be blamed for this heinous crime forever.
Update: MOT News reports on Iran and yet another cartoon conspiracy.
Tags: Ayatollah, subsitute-Ayatollah, Iran, shrine-bombing, slime-buckets
Newsmax: "Nuclear Reactors Top Dubai Ports' Cargo List"
Nuclear reactors are among the most significant U.S. exports shipped out of five of the six ports slated for takeover by a Dubai company next week.I must confess that I am not up on the details of the Port debate. I like political issues that boil down to ethical problems since they require thinking more than research. However, just to put my two shekels in, my instinct is that the deal should be blocked. General principles are useful things.
According to U.S. Transportation Department numbers cited Thursday by Newsday, the two "top products" shipped in and out of the Ports of New York and New Jersey are "mineral fuel [and] nuclear reactors." The New York-New Jersey ports handle 4,862 ships each year.
Aljazeera: "Israel planning 'apartheid' roads"
Israel plans to pave new roads in the West Bank exclusively for Palestinians while Jewish settler vehicles keep to the existing network, a senior Israeli security source has said.As press coverage goes, it could be worse.
Palestinians condemned the idea as a form of apartheid and said the initiative appeared aimed at cementing Israel's hold on occupied land that they want for a state.
The Israeli source, who asked not to be named because the government has yet to finalise the road plan, said on Thursday there was no intention of formally limiting Palestinian movement.
"We want to ease access to various Palestinian communities," the source said. "There is no intention of bringing about a separation of Israeli and Palestinian traffic. Palestinians will continue to make use of the roads they use today."
The source said, however, that Israelis would be banned from the future Palestinians-only roads because "we do not want them to get into a situation where their lives would be at risk".
Tags: Israel, Palestinains, journalism, apartheid-canard
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Bloggers are Frum
When they're not blogging
Really tzaddikim
When they're at home
Roshei Yeshiva
Ba'alei madreiga
Maggidei shiur
'Cause they're frum
'Cause they're frum
No point in asking warum
'Cause they're frum
Gotta use a Nom de Plume
'Cause they're frum
'Cause they're frum
Bloggers are frum
When they're not blogging
Pray with kavannah
Baki in Shas
Spend all their free time
Paskening shailos
Give out shirayim
They're so frum
When you're frum
You're certainly nisht kein ba'al mum
When you're frum
Wissenschaftlos Judentum
When you're frum
When you're frum
Tags: frumkeit, blogging, J-blogging,song-parodies Pesachim
I saw this coming
A new provincial law that bans religious family arbitration, and that critics say discriminates against Jews, will be challenged in the courts, promises a lawyer who argued forcefully against the legislation.A key piece of background appears much later on in the article:
Last week’s passage of Bill 27, which prohibits all forms of binding arbitration in family matters not conducted according to Canadian law, is “a really sad day” for Jews who look to rabbinic courts, or beit dins, for authority, said John Syrtash.
Syrtash, who represented the Va’ad Harabonim of Toronto and several Orthodox groups in the lead-up to the law’s passage, says he will take steps to challenge the measure under the religious freedom provisions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Unless the law is changed, “we’re committed to challenging it in the courts at the first opportunity,” he told The CJN.
The law owes its origins to the heated debate in Ontario over a proposal from a Muslim group to set up tribunals that would employ sharia, or Islamic law, in binding family arbitration.Besides the fact that the growing Muslim presence in most Western countries makes Jews less safe--many Muslims are very fine people, but let's face it, it does--Jews are also likely to experience problems from the inevitable anti-Muslim backlash. The present story is one example. The French ban on religious dress in schools is another.
Tags: Judaism, Islam, arbitration, Beis Din, Canada
Arab News editorial favors port deal
THE attempt by a group of US Congressman to block the takeover of six US ports by an Arab company is wrong. In vowing that he will veto any legislation that stops this purely commercial transaction, President Bush is showing wisdom . . .
Unfortunately, this is bigoted nonsense that once again raises the deeply objectionable notion that all Muslims are terrorists. Leaving aside the fact that any attempt to stop the free movement of investment capital would probably run afoul of WTO rules, this reaction to the takeover is not only irrational but also lacks sense. Sen. Frist and his colleagues seem oblivious to the fact that British legislators have voiced no such objection to the fact that some UK ports will also be owned and run by DPW. Nor have there been any protests from authorities in China, Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Australia, Germany, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic — all countries in which DPW operates.
IRNA: "President: Improper distribution of wealth major challenge of today's world"
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday evening that improper distribution of wealth among the world's constituents was the major challenge of today's world.Would Ahmadinejad be an example of an anti-Semitic leftist?
Addressing a large number of local officials, scholars and elites upon his arrival in this western city, the president complained that the world was now getting more and more polarized between the world's rich and poor.
"The present world is suffering as a result of the decisions of a number of hegemonic powers and their unlimited thirst for dominance," criticized the president, adding that "these same powers are the cause of all the problems facing the world's inhabitants." Ahmadinejad said that the desire for dominance by hegemonic powers and to impose their own culture and traditions on others has been the cause of many conflicts.
"Colonial powers seek to rob nations of their wealth by funneling these into their own treasuries," the president complained.
Describing colonial powers as a "blight" in the life of nations, the president said they try to perpetuate their power and hegemony by engaging in disastrous wars and the massacre of lives.
Tags: Ahmadinejad, Iran, wealth-distribution, slime-buckets
Tehran Times: "Who was behind the 'Danish' cartoons?"
The mainstream media coverage of the anti-Islamic cartoons ignores the fact that the publication of the images was a "calculated offense" commissioned by a Jewish "Danish" colleague of the Jewish neocon ideologue Daniel Pipes and was meant to incite violence and promote the Jewish "clash of civilizations" between Muslims and Christians.Here is Pipes on his role in the conspiracy.
After Danish embassies in three Muslim nations were attacked and set alight by angry Muslims protesting the anti-Islamic cartoons published in a Danish newspaper, the mainstream Jewish media turned its attention (from the 58-year Jewish occupation of Palestine and the Zionist occupation of Iraq) to the "controversial" images and the violent reactions they provoked.
Invariably, however, the Jewish-controlled press overlooked the important fact that the offensive images were commissioned and published by a Jewish "Danish" colleague of the Jewish neoconservative extremist Daniel Pipes.
The anti-Muslim cartoon scandal has turned out to be a major step forward for the Zionist neocons and their long-planned for Israel "clash of civilizations", the artificially constructed conflict designed to pit the so-called Christian West against the Islamic world.
Tags: Iran, Daniel Pipes, ZOG, neocons, conspiracies
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Ayatollah blames "Zionists" for Sunni attack on Shi'ite Shrine
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in a statement Wednesday expressed condolences over the tragic profane made to the holy shrine of Shiite Imams, Imam Hadi (A.S.) and Imam Hassan Asgari (A.S.) in Iraq, proclaiming a week of national mourning. The statement reads as follows . . .File this under "barely newsworthy."
This is a political crime and one must find its root in the intelligent bodies of Iraq's occupiers and the Zionists. Dominance-seeking powers, who find Iraqi political and social situation contrary to their hegemonic aims, are plotting in mind malicious ploys, including among others, to fan insecurity and sow religious discords.
Tags: Iran, Ayatollah, Islam, anti-Semitism, slime-buckets
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
See this one yet?

And if by any chance you missed the new one at Cox and Forkum, click here.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, counter-cartoons, counter-counter-cartoons, Israel
Irangrish from Mehr News
Tehran is to host a major photo exhibition on Prophet Muhammad (S) in summer.OK, I can see why you would want photographers to participate in a photo exhibit, yes.
The National Museum of the Holy Quran and the Association of Cultural Heritage Photographers have invited photographers to participate in the exhibition.
The theme of the exhibit is inspired by the teachings and cultural heritage of the Prophet and the influence of his character on various nations throughout the world.Which "different religions"? Scientology? Wicca? Don't you love attempts to dress this topic up in generalities?
The exhibition has been organized with the aim of focusing attention on the common roots of various religions and the respect paid to the beliefs of followers of different religions and to make use of cultural means to elevate humanity and promote the spirit of peace.
The organizers are attempting to give a cultural response to the misguided thoughts of those who are trying to divide nations through people’s beliefs and holy prophets.Why "prophets" in the plural? Besides Danish Mohammed cartoons, were there Brazilian Joseph Smith cartoons?
Tags: Iran, Irangrish, cartoon, Prophet-cartoons, photography
NYTimes on Cartoons
"I keep hearing, 'Why are liberals silent?' " said Said al-Ashmawy, an Egyptian judge and author of books on political Islam. "How can we write? Who is going to protect me? Who is going to publish for me in the first place? With the Islamization of the society, the list of taboos has been increasing daily. You should not write about religion. You should not write about politics or women. Then what is left?"
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Islam, Denmark
Alqassam.com: "Martyr of the Week"
After Ahmad [Al-Qawasmi] carried out the operation in Be’r Al-Saba, his father said, "I didn't imagine that my son would be a martyr, and the one to avenge the Zionist aggression against us. Even if he told me that he is going to carry out an operation against the Zionist forces, I will tell him to go and do it . . .”See Lazer Beams also and follow the link to the animated star-of-david-mushroom-cloud graphic.
On 31-08-2004, Ahmad and Nasim Al-Jabari entered two Zionist buses and blew up the two buses. 16 Zionists were killed and 100 were injured.
Tags: Hamas, terrorism, slime-buckets, martyr-of-the-week
IRIB: "Hamas will never recognize Israel"
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday in a meeting with Head of the Political Office of Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, Khalid Mashal that the Palestinians now have the strongest position in the Middle East peace process.That's actually true. A later paragraph features one of Ahmadinejad's bizarre historical distortions:
Ahmadinejad stressed, "today the Palestinian nation's will is the greatest power in the Middle East and by voting in favor of Hamas the Palestinians emphasized their ideal of resistance till the liberation of their country and the enemies can not confront that will."
Speaking to Dr. Mashal and his accompanying delegation, the IRI President said that the Palestinian nation's support for Hamas is your greatest political asset, adding, "the Palestinians' vote in this election was to the liberation of the entire occupied territories through continuation of resistance and the establishment of an independent Palestinian country."
He said that the victory of Hamas meanwhile reflected the historic will of the Palestinians for choosing a new path and for leading a new type of life, adding, "the Palestinian nation's will annulled the Oslo agreement, the road map project, and all previous plans for Middle East."
Emphasizing that the philosophy behind the existence of the Zionist regime has been put under serious question today, Ahmadinejad said, "the occupying regime of holy Qods was established on a sad day when the Muslim nations were unfortunately asleep."If he is talking about 1948, Israel was attacked by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq.
Tags: Iran, Israel, Ahmadinejad, Hamas, Meshal, slime-buckets
Muslim Girls' Basketball and Tzniyuskeit
Rosenberg decries "a diversity apologist ready to support the banning of non-Muslim dads from watching their daughters play basketball against the Muslim team," but I don't understand this to mean someone would be standing at the door admitting Muslim men and keeping out the infidels. I think he just means that the ban would devolve on the "Kuffar dads" and brothers as a special rule was applied for the Muslim girls. I'm with the Muslims here. The Muslim approach to modest women's dress can be a bit extreme, but it is unfortunate that the West has lost its appreciation for modest dress, and gender segregation is reasonable in certain situations. If a school wants to voluntarily submit to the ban on men to accomodate the Muslims, I don't see it as a problem. From the Chicago Tribune Story:
[Coach Farida Abusafa] has considered asking the other schools to play exhibition games, but IHSA rules stipulate that those games would count toward the season total, so most schools would likely turn her down.Maybe Abusafa should just make arrangements to play an Orthodox Jewish girls' school.
Abusafa has also contemplated the possibility of inviting the schools to play at Universal--even footing the transportation and referee costs--to avoid forcing those schools to comply with segregation rules. [Coach Christine] Bochnak, for one, said she would consider that possibility.
Tags: Islam, Judaism, modesty, tzniyuskeit
Pallie Prison Pyro-protest
Seven Fatah detainees who are being held in a Palestinian Authority prison in Jericho were injured on Tuesday after setting fire to their cells and other installations.Brilliant.
The detainees, who belong to Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, were protesting against the PA's refusal to release them from prison . . .
The detainee, who was lightly injured in the blaze, said Tuesday's protest was designed to send a warning message to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Interior Minister Nasser Youssef [who is in charge of security].
He added that some of the detainees swallowed razors during the protest, but none required hospitalization.
Tags: Palestinians, PA, Abbas, Jericho
Berkeley Eruv
Since the area encircled by the eruv’s series of conceptual doorways is a common space, [Rabbi Yair] Silverman has blessed a loaf of bread ostensibly owned by everyone in the community.
Think of that communal loaf — or, in Berkeley’s case, a box of matzah, which has a longer shelf life — as something like the HAL 2000 mainframe running the entire eruv. If the matzah is lost, stolen or eaten, the eruv loses its validity until a substitute “loaf” is properly installed.
The box of matzah is crammed away in a remote corner of Beth Israel, still sealed in plastic and emblazoned with its own “What do you think you’re doing, Dave?”-style warning, instructing in no uncertain terms to keep one’s hands off the box and immediately contact Silverman if anything happens to the matzah.
Tags: Eruv, Eiruvin, Judaism, Shabbos, California, Jewish California
The You-Know-Who News: "Rodong Sinmun Calls for Glorifying Songun Leadership Exploits of WPK"
Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls for stepping up the general march this year true to the Songun revolutionary leadership exploits of the Workers' Party of Korea so as to give full play to the invincible spirit of Korean-style socialism advancing with the might of Songun. It is the precious results of the energetic Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il that the ideological unity of the Korean revolutionary ranks around the headquarters of revolution has been remarkably cemented, the Korean People's Army prepared to be an invincible revolutionary army of Mt. Paektu capable of defeating any formidable enemy and a great advance and leaping progress made in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation, the editorial says, and goes on:Do you think they ever get tired of all that invincibility, advancing might, and leaping progress? Nobody ever just has a beer in these stories.
The greatness and inexhaustible attraction of the Songun revolutionary leadership exploits of the Party can be seen in having raised the independent dignity of the country and the nation up to the highest level, firmly defended the lifeline of socialism and opened a bright future of Juche Korea.Let's see, it's the road of Juche and the road of Songun--two roads in one!
The exploits contain ideological and theoretical, strategic and tactical guidelines and exceptionally rich experience of struggle enough to push forward and accomplish the cause of Korean-style socialism along the road of Juche, the road of Songun opened by President Kim Il Sung.
It is a basic key and a shortcut to victory of the general march this year to preserve the Songun revolutionary leadership exploits of the Party that overall crystallize valuable guidelines and experience from the principled issues to be firmly maintained in the political, military, economic, cultural and all other fields of socialist construction to the working style and method of officials.There will be a quiz on this.
Tags: Juche-coups, Songun-victory, North Korea, bright-futures
Monday, February 20, 2006
Iran Focus: "Iran claims new bomb planted by Britain"
Iran said on Monday that Britain was behind a blast that had gone off in the south-western city of Ahwaz on Sunday night which was similar to several recent explosions in the volatile city.
State-run news agencies reported that there were no casualties when the sound bomb went off in Kian Pars district of Ahwaz.
Seyyed Nezzam Mollahoveizeh, the Majlis deputy for Dasht-Abad, told the news agency Fars that the Intelligence Ministry had been able to arrest a number of individuals behind Sunday’s bombing and accused them of having ties to London.
“The mother of all corruption Britain has become an opponent of Iran. Our opponents are supported and empowered in London”, he said.
Irving gets three years unfortunately--yes, unfortunately
British historian David Irving has been found guilty in Vienna of denying the Holocaust of European Jewry and sentenced to three years in prison.I wrote in November that "it is not a good idea at all to turn him into a free speech martyr. It is better to fight denier sewage with the truth than with police and prison sentences." I am more convinced today that criminalizing denial is a big mistake. Iran, for instance, has been exploiting this relentlessly and trying to pass off criminalization of denial as a prohibition of free debate, of open examination of the sources, etc.
He had pleaded guilty to the charge, based on a speech and interview he gave in Austria in 1989.
He admitted that in 1989 he had denied that Nazi Germany had killed millions of Jews. He said this is what he believed, until he later saw the personal files of Adolf Eichmann, the chief organiser of the Holocaust.Irving presents an interesting example of a person misusing scholarly talent. His current excuses for his past lies recall his past excuses for Hitler.
"I said that then based on my knowledge at the time, but by 1991 when I came across the Eichmann papers, I wasn't saying that anymore and I wouldn't say that now," Irving told the court.
I thought it would be fun to survey other blogs on the same topic. Well-meaning bloggers misguidedly expressing satisfaction at the sentencing include Neither Here Nor There, Nogbad's View, Sudan Watch, and Holks on the Fill (This last post is excellent, though). Expressing guarded satisfaction: Red Fish. On the fence: Rising Hegemon. Free speech uber alles: Sui Generis, Fullosseous Flap, Obsolete, LaShawn Barber, Zion Report, and Power Line.
Tags: David Irving, Holocaust-denial, sentencing, Iran
IRIB: "Hamas victory, the divine surprise"
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution called Hamas landslide win in the recent Palestinian elections a sweet divine surprise and the fulfillment of God's promises.This is an important nuance. Israel did not withdraw or make a concession for peace, but rather Hamas "liberated" Gaza through terror.
Ayatollah Khaemenei made the remarks during a meeting with the popular movement's political bureau chief Khaled Mashal and his accompanying delegation.
Touching on the conditions of the Palestinian people and their combatant groups during past years, he said "Palestinian people and combatant groups never became frustrated and kept on their jihad even under conditions in which all doors were apparently shut to them. They finally witnessed the divine promises fulfilled one after another."
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the victory of Hamas right after the liberation of the Gaza right which "caught every one off guard."
Khaled Mashal for his part praised the Islamic Republic of Iran for its positions towards the Palestinian issue. He called Hamas victory the victory of the overall Islamic Ummah. He emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran definitely shares the win. Mashal congratulated the victory to the Iranian nation.The following recent paragraphs from Michael Ledeen at NRO puts this in perspective nicely:
Israel is facing the darkest moment in its history (remember that this conversation took place before Sharon’s stroke). Likud is divided, Netanyahu is openly against Sharon, and the Labor party has lost its old guard. No strong government is possible (and hence Israel is similarly unable to order an attack against Iran). Therefore this is a moment for Iran to take maximum advantage;All that plus nukes! Note the timing also of the recent increase in open Holocaust-denial from the Iranian regime. Sheyiboneh Beit ul-Moqaddas . . .
Iranian power and prestige is at an all-time high among the Palestinian terrorist groups, from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah, to secular, even Communist groups. Terrorists who in the past had rejected Iranian approaches now travel to Tehran for support;
The Syrians have given Iran final say over the activities of Sunni terrorist groups in their country;
Iran now exercises effective control over groups ranging from Hezbollah, Ansar al-Islam, al Qaeda, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Jaish-e-Mahdi, and Jaish-e-Huti (Yemen) to the Joint Shi’ite Army of Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and part of Saudi Arabia, as well as Islamic movements in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia . . .
Tags: Iran, Hamas, terrorism, slime-buckets, Ayatollah, Khaled Meshal, Israel
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Hamas either "dismisses Israeli sanctions" or describes them as "silent genocide"
Newly named Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya has dismissed the effect of Israeli financial restrictions on the Palestinian Authority (PA).From Islamic Republic News Agency:
Mr Haniya also played down the impact of a drop in Western aid, saying Arab and Islamic states would step in.
Hamas, which is expected to form the new Palestinian Authority (PA) government before the end of February, has accused Israel of carrying out a "silent genocide against millions of men, women and children" in the occupied Palestinian territories.In English 101 this is called "audience awareness."
"Mass starvation is mass genocide, it is a silent holocaust," said Nayef Rajoub, a prominent Hamas leader who is likely to assume a ministerial portfolio in the new government.
Speaking to IRNA Sunday, Rajoub described decisions by the Zionist regime to stop transferring Palestinian tax returns to the PA, as "theft in broad daylight."
"Israel will bear the full responsibility for this legal and moral crime against the Palestinian people."
Tags: Hamas, Israel, Palestinians, shekels, duplicity, slime-buckets
Linkim 2/19/06
Zion Report reports on the perfidy of Arla Foods.
Haveil Havalim #58 is also up.
One Arab World says "Hell No" to the million dollar bounty for killing cartoonists. (h/t: Mark in Mexico)
Watching Jihad Watch attributes cartoon rampaging to the fact that "dictatorships use controlled mobs to make their points." That is part of it, but not all of it.
The Big Pharaoh Medical Center diagnoses "the Arab/Muslim world."
Steyn's latest.
NewsMax: Hillary Decorated
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has put in for a Purple Heart award - and she received the decoration yesterday.I guess if you were going to make a case that she deserves a real Purple Heart, you could base it on heroic suffering in the face of marital infidelity, withstanding the slings and arrows of rightwing blogscorn, the horror of hugging Suha Arafat, and other acts of martyrdom. And she did it all for the troops! (Hat Tip: Pajama Hadin)
The former first lady garnered the award without being wounded in combat - or sustaining any kind of injury at all - as is usually the case with Purple Heart recipients.
Neither has Clinton ever served in the military, though she once claimed in a TV interview she tried to join the Marines.
Instead, Mrs. Clinton received a symbolic award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart "in recognition of her inspirational leadership and dedicated service to America’s military service members and America’s veterans."
Tags: Hillary, Clinton, valor, military-glory
Iran Focus: "Iran recruits suicide bombers to fight 'Global Blasphemy'"
A group affiliated to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps launched a new recruitment drive for suicide bombers in Tehran to fight against “Global Blasphemy”, state-run news agencies reported.
The Mehr news agency carried a report on Saturday saying that an event entitled “Analysis of ways to act against the offensive of Global Blasphemy” was held in Tehran to mark the anniversary of the fatwa, or religious edict, by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for the murder of the Indian-born British author Salman Rushdie.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Iran, Terrorism, slime-buckets
Newsmax on Pellets
In a poll sponsored by South Dakota's Sioux Falls Argus-Leader newspaper, 883 South Dakota bird hunters were asked, "Have you ever been peppered with shotgun BB's?"The story goes on to note that the poll preceded the accident.
More than half, 55 percent, said they had. Forty-one percent said "they were wearing orange vests when sprayed."
Saturday, February 18, 2006
A Word on Parshas Mishpatim
R. Aryeh Kaplan's excellent Living Torah--another resource for learning the parsha--provides a subject heading for all the sections (also called "parshiot") of this parsha as follows:
66. Laws: The Hebrew Slave
67. The Hebrew Maidservant
68. Manslaughter
69. Murder
70. Injuring a Parent
71. Kidnapping
72. Cursing a Parent
73. Personal Injury
74. Killing of Slaves
75. Personal Damages
76. Injury to Slaves
77. The Killer Ox
78. A Hole in the Ground
79. Damage by Goring
80. Penalties for Stealing
81. Damage by Grazing
82. Damage by Fire
83. The Unpaid Custodian
84. The Paid Custodian
85. The Borrowed Article
86. Seduction
87. Occult Practices; Bestiality
88. Idolatry and Oppression
89. Lending Money
90. Accepting Authority
91. Justice
92. Strayed Animals
93. The Fallen Animal
94. Justice and Festivals
95. Promises and Instructions
96. The Land
97. Sealing the Covenant
98. Moses Ascends
Arab News: "US Asks Palestinians to Return $50 Million in Aid"
The United States has asked the Palestinian Authority to return $50 million in US aid because Washington does not want Hamas government to have the funds, the State Department said Friday.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who visits the region next week, will ask Arab allies to demand that an incoming Hamas government abandon terrorism and accept Israel, she said Friday. The US wants the Palestinian authority to return $50 million in direct assistance provided in2005 for new infrastructure projects in Gaza. A Palestinian official confirmed Washington had asked for $50 million in aid to be returned. “The Palestinian Authority promised to comply,” the official said.
Over the past decade, the United States has given about $1. 5 billion in aid to the Palestinians, mostly through aid groups.
Tags: Israel, Palestinians, PA, Condi, money
Islam Online: "Muslim Youths to Pay 'Know-Prophet' Visit to Denmark"
Egyptian preacher Amr Khaled announced on Friday, February17 , that a host of Muslim youths would visit Denmark soon to engage in a constructive dialogue with their Danish peers and intellectuals after relations between the Muslim world and the West badly soured over the Danish cartoons that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).A later bit:
"They will explain four main things: Who our prophet is, what Islam is all about, freedom of expression in Muslim eyes and respect of the other's holy scriptures," Khaled told a press conference in Cairo's deluxe Intercontinental Citystars Hotel.
"They will finally launch practical projects entrenching mutual respect and co-existence," he added.
Khaled said that an apology is not enough when it comes to a great man like Prophet Muhammad.Dont' worry, Khaled Old Boy, people are getting a very thorough education concerning Islam just by reading the news.
"Protests will never stop unless the state of ignorance about Islam and its prophet in the West comes to an end," said the preacher, suggesting that Westerners should also take the initiative and tell their people about the Muslim faith.
Update: Elder of Ziyon is taking that education initiative here, here, and here.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam
Mehr: "Iran feels obligated to speak the truth: Ahmadinejad"
In response to a letter from some members of an Italian Catholic association, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad wrote, “In a world where the truth is turned upside down, it is our responsibility to speak the truth.”I wonder who those Italian Catholics were. Liberation theologists?
The association had previously thanked Ahmadinejad for his stance against Israel.
“We believe that there is no division between divine religions because we all believe in one God, the hereafter, justice, and moral virtue. Today the world is hungry for justice, and it is our responsibility to speak the truth,” read part of the letter, which was released to the media on Saturday.
Last year, the Iranian president had asked why the Palestinians should have to pay the price if it is true that six million Jews were massacred by Nazi Germany during World War II.
Tags: Ahmadinejad, Iran, truth, Holocaust-denial, slime-buckets
AP: Cartoon Death Toll up to 29 [Now 45?]
At least 29 people have now been killed in a spate of violent demonstrations in the Muslim world sparked by anger over cartoons depicting Muhammad . . . Ten people are reported dead in Libya . . .
Update: Make that 44 after events in Nigeria?
Tags: cartoon, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam, death, Libya, Nigeria
Friday, February 17, 2006
Aljazeera: "Rice: Iran is global terror 'banker'"
The Iranian government is a "central banker" for global terrorism and working with Syria to destablise the Middle East, the US Secretary of State has said."Terror banker" is a great term. Saddam Hussein was also a major terror banker.
Speaking in testimony to the US Senate on Thursday, Condoleeza Rice signaled the US intention to step up the diplomatic offensive against Iran, saying the threat it posed went beyond its controversial nuclear programme.
Tags: Condi, terror, terror-banker, Iran
Islam Online: "The Bright Side of the Cartoon Conflict"
. . . we can see that the campaign against the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has shown us that Muslim nations can use economics, politics, and the media in the right direction to achieve their interests and to preserve their identity. The campaign has shown the extent of love Muslims have for the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and the importance of working hand in hand for the good of Islam. We should do our best to cherish and preserve these good results and to do our best so that we can build upon them and guarantee their continuity and legitimacy.Not to mention Islam's Family Feud victory.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam, bright-sides
AP: "Danish Muslims see silver lining to cartoon crisis"
Fury among Muslims worldwide over Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad has led to deadly violence and bitter accusations between the West and the Islamic world. But Niamatullah Basharat sees a silver lining.Don't they realize they have made Ronald McDonald into a martyr? Ronald, we will redeem you with our blood!!!
"Every Muslim feels hurt by these drawings," the Danish imam said at the small Nusrat Djahan mosque on the outskirts of Copenhagen.
"But Denmark has talked more about Islam in the last few weeks than it has in the last 10 years, so I hope it will do some good."
Many Muslims hope that despite the short-term damage to community relations, the spotlight on religious and ethnic minorities will give them a greater voice in Danish politics.
But so far images of angry Muslim crowds burning the Danish flag and stoning Danish embassies, and a boycott of Danish products in the Middle East, have polarized opinion instead.
The cartoonists who produced the images of the Prophet for the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten are in hiding and under police protection.
A new poll by A&B Analyze for Web-based newspaper Altinget showed 45 percent of Danes have less sympathy now for Muslims than before the cartoon backlash. Another recent poll showed support for the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party rising.
But Muslims say now could be the time to build bridges.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, wishful-thinking, Denmark, Islam, Ronald
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Muslim News: Cartoon Rioters Torch Korean Bus Terminal
A Korean firm in the city of Peshawar in Northwestern Pakistan on Wednesday got caught up in Muslim anger about a series of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
A riot erupted there when a demonstration by some 70,000 protesters to condemn the publication of the cartoons in Europe got out of hand. A group of the protesters set fire to the bus terminal run by Sammi Daewoo, and local employees who tied to block them became caught up in the violence themselves.
Four of the firm's local employees who tried to stop the pillaging were injured. Sammi Daewoo lost 16 buses, four cars, a gas station and the entire 900 sq.m two-story terminal building in the blaze. The financial losses have been calculated at around US$3 million.
A company executive said it was thought that competitor companies that were jealous of Sammi's success in Pakistan incited the mob.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Pakistan
IRIB: "Ahmadinejad tours Natanz facility "

Does a surgical mask provide good protection in a nuclear facility? From Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting:
Stressing that the achievements of the Iranian nation in the field are irreversible, Ahmadinejad said that with their participation in the great rallies of Bahman 22 (February 11) they proved to the world that they support the Iranian experts and young scholars involved in nuclear activities.I wonder what those are? Here is what the article wants you to think:
The chief executive appreciated the sincere efforts of domestic nuclear experts and said, "though your main concern is to produce nuclear fuel, your attempts to this end will result in more precious outcomes.
Ahmadinejad pointed out that access to advanced knowledge and technologies as well as restoration of self-confidence of the young generation are some of the results of such efforts.Have a nice day.
Tags: Iran, Ahmadinejad, nukes, death

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
T-shirts added to arsenal of Fascism
JUST when it has become apparent to levelheaded people around the world that what is needed in the Danish cartoons row is a period of calm, an Italian government minister tries to make things worse. Roberto Calderoli, Italy’s minister for reform has had T-shirts printed with the offensive cartoons and says he plans to wear them.The editorialist suggests the proper response:
The Muslim response must be dignified. We need to treat this with the contempt it deserves, and Italy must be made aware of the affront done. But Muslims worldwide should not respond by blaming Italy or the Italians as a whole, most of whom will be as shocked as Muslims are."Shocked"? Let's not get carried away.
Certainly, no one should start boycotting Italian goods or stop eating pizzas and pasta or, even worse, trying to burn Italian embassies or offices of Italian-owned companies; indeed, the riots, burning embassies and dead protesters that have been seen in the past few weeks in the backlash against the cartoons simply play into the hands of the Islamophobes.Not to mention playing into the hands of the Grim Reaper. Don't give your audience any bright ideas, O Arab News Editorialist.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam, Italy
Don't want no J-bloggers 'round here
--Attributed to R. Micha Berger
J Bloggers got no yira
J Bloggers got no yira
J Bloggers got no yiras shamayim
They don't learn
And waste their time
Make up take-offs that don't rhyme
Don't want no J-bloggers 'round here
Don't want no J-bloggers 'round here
J Bloggers got no Torah
J Bloggers got no Torah
J Bloggers got no Torah to learn
Anu ameilim, veheim ameilem
Just post about devarim beteilim
Leitzanus and batlanus
I'm losin' my savlanus
Don't want no J-bloggers 'round here
Don't want no J-bloggers 'round here
J Bloggers are just as frum as you and I
And judgement is nigh
All blogs are holy on the day they die
It's an alma deshikra
J Bloggers got no yira
J Bloggers got no yira
J Bloggers got no yiras shamayim
Mevatel Torah
Mevatel z'man
Bedeep dudu
When they ba leKan
Ve'ein Talmudo beyado around here
Ein Talmudo beyado around here
Tags: Randy Newman, song-parodies, bitul Torah, bitul z'man, devarim beteilim
Remind me again, what do these riots have to do with cartoons?
Protesters burned a KFC restaurant, three movie theaters and the offices of the main mobile phone company in the country. A Norwegian mobile phone company's offices were also ransacked. Gunfire was heard near the burning KFC, as police tried to clear people from a main street, witnesses said.The 8-year-old boy had something to do with cartoons? Little boys like cartoons, I guess.
An 8-year-old boy died after being struck in the face by a bullet fired by a protester, police officer Shahid Khan said. A 25-year-old man was killed by an electric cable that was snapped by gunfire, said the man's cousin, Jehangir Khan.
Many Muslims regard any depiction of the prophet as blasphemous. They reject the newspapers' explanations that the cartoons have news value and represent free speech.So they burned a KFC? I still don't understand. Could somebody explain this to me?
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam, riots
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A brief comment on Ann Coulter's use of the word "raghead"
Tag: Coulter, ragheads, yarmulka
Cindy in N'Awlins
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan staged a protest at one of the city's shuttered housing projects Tuesday, a day after 12,000 families left homeless by last year's hurricanes were forced to leave their federally funded hotel rooms.She thinks the St. Bernard Housing Project was safe before Bush came along?
With her back to the boarded-up St. Bernard Housing Development, Sheehan criticized President Bush's response to the storms, saying, "Everyone in America needs to come down here and see how unsafe, how insecure he's made our world."
Tags: Sheehan, Katrina, New Orleans
IRIB: "Iran has no problem with Americans"
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday Iranians have not any problem with the American people and that it is the US administration that has inflicted damage on the Iranian nation."Unilateral equation." There needs to be a term for this sort of thing. Irangrish? I know you're wondering--if this is an item from the Iranian press, where is the Holocaust part?
"Iranians are from a great civilization who have proved throughout the history that they stand on their own feet and do not fear any threats."
"To the dismay of all ill-wishers, Iran has managed to tread the path of development and currently many countries are eager to cooperate with Iran," President Ahmadinejad said in an interview with USA Today.
He said that if certain states wanted to impose restrictions on Iran, they are actually damaging themselves, because, the time for unilateral equation is gone.
[Barbara] Slavin asked about Holocaust, President Ahmadinejad said that Iran has offered to set up an impartial team to hold inquiry into the furnaces for massacre of Jews by Nazis.
"We say that even if the Holocaust is true, the western nations have committed the crime and they should pay the price for the genocide. The international community should not expect the Palestinians to pay the price for genocide of the Jews," President Ahmadinejad said.

Tags: Irangrish, Iran, Ahmadinejad, Holocaust denial, slime-buckets
AP: "Hunter Shot by Cheney Has Heart Attack"--Or Not
David Blanchard, chief of emergency care, called it "a silent heart attack, an asymptomatic heart attack. He's not had a heart attack in the traditional sense."Birdshot in the heart still sounds serious, to say the least, but this is an interesting moment in journalism.
The doctors said Whittington did not experience symptoms of a heart attack or any other problems. They left the birdshot in place and said he could live a healthy life with it there.
Tags: Cheney, hunting, journalism
Islam Online: "OIC Wants Religious Tolerance Bedrock of UN Rights Body"
Muslim countries are pressing for a ban on religious intolerance to be part of the bedrock of a planned new United Nations human rights body, officials said on Tuesday, February 14.A later bit:
"Since the controversy over the cartoons, certain governments have expressed a wish to include a reference to the protection of particular values in the resolution" that would create the UN Human Rights Council, said UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze.
The proposal by 57 governments which are grouped in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) comes as the outcry continues in the Muslim world over the publication of Danish caricatures that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).
According to the text of the proposal, the new UN body should strive to "prevent instances of intolerance, discrimination, incitement of hatred and violence arising from any actions against religions, prophets and beliefs which threaten the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms."
Din Syamsuddin, leader of Indonesia's second largest Muslim organization, the Muhammadiyah, said the forum proposed the UN issue a declaration of "human responsibility" in order to prevent more examples of blasphemous or insulting acts toward religions, the Jakarta Post reported on Tuesday.Weird.
"I shared the idea during rounds of discussions with other religious leaders here, and I personally agree that the UN should issue a universal declaration of human responsibility, apart from the universal declaration of human rights," he told a news conference.
"Because having the freedom without responsibility could lead our civilization to absolute liberalism."
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam, UN
Cartoons of Death Again
Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao said two protesters died in the worst of the violence in the eastern city of Lahore, when a bank security guard opened fire to prevent demonstrators from forcing their way into a bank.The story is followed by this:
CNN is not showing the negative caricatures of the likeness of the Prophet Mohammed because the network believes its role is to cover the events surrounding the publication of the cartoons while not unnecessarily adding fuel to the controversy itself.Besides that, death can ruin your whole day.
Tags: cartoons, Prophet-cartoons, Denmark, Islam, Pakistan
IRIB: "Embattled West resorts to cartoons"
The Iranian embassy in Berlin on Monday has demanded a full apology from a Berlin-based newspaper for depicting Iranian national football team players in an insulting cartoon.Like the solidarity between LSU and 'Bama?
In a statement addressed to chief editor of the daily Der Tagesspiegel, the embassy demanded a "written apology and measures aimed at rectifying this immoral act".
The communique added the offensive caricature had caused "outrage among the Iranian people".
The embassy stressed that sports was a tool "to promote solidarity and understanding among peoples and should not be used for political and other irresponsible means".
The controversial cartoon which was printed in the paper on Friday, shows the Iranian national football standing in a world cup stadium with bombs strapped to the jerseys.Another capitulation.
The cartoon depicts also German soldiers lining up in the stadium with a caption saying, 'this is why the German army has to be deployed at the world cup stadiums!'.
The graphic artist of the insulting cartoon, Klaus Stuttmann had already voiced his regret to the Iranian nation over the weekend.
Tags: cartoons, Islam, Iran, Germany