Iran on Monday called on foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to hold an emergency session to discuss Islamophobia in West.The word "Islamophobia" was adapted from the word "homophobia," but it actually means "fear of Islam." The most etymologically aware way to fight "Islamophobia" would be to have a rally with thousands of Muslims cuddling bunny rabbits and holding up comforting signs.
Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki made the request in a letter to Yemen's Foreign Affairs Minister Abubakr al-Qirbi who is rotatory chairman of the OIC foreign ministers.
"Unfortunately, Islamophobia is currently spreading in Europe in different forms and at an alarming speed.
"Insult to Islamic values and Muslims' sanctity in the West has been now turned into a main challenge facing the Islamic nations now. It is vital to seriously confront this challenge," Mottaki said.You don't suppose they are going to fight that "phobia" by resolving to be scarier, do you?
Pointing to the OIC duties, he added, "Campaign against Islamophobia is among the main priorities of the OIC's 10-year programs. This issue (Islamophobia) is currently taking place in certain Western states and in certain cases it involves officials of those states.
"Given the new approach of the OIC towards insult to Muslims' sanctity and the sensitivity of the issue, I propose foreign ministers of the OIC hold an emergency session to discuss various aspects of recent aggressions and adopt an appropriate decision.
Mottaki wrote, "It is hoped that timely action of the OIC and [i]ts firm stance against enemies' Islamophobia will result in their setback and promotion of Islamic solidarity."
He referred to the blasphemous moves and well-calculated plots hatched by certain European states against Islamic beliefs and said, "Disrespect for holy prophet of Islam, which received wide media coverage later, provoked the outrage and strong sentiments of millions of Muslims."
Tags: Iran, Islamophobia, aggressions, plots, cartoons, Prophet-cartoons

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