According to the Daily Princetonian:
The Princeton Committee on Palestine has sponsored a referendum in next week’s USG elections that asks Dining Services to sell an alternative to Sabra hummus in all its retail locations on campus.Meanwhile at DePaul:
The Strauss Group and PepsiCo each own 50 percent of Sabra Dipping Company.
In August, Philly Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, a Philadelphia group that encourages activism against Israel, released an open letter calling for a boycott of Sabra for the same reason.
Both PCP and Philly BDS take issue with The Strauss Group’s support of the Israeli Golani Brigade. Members of the Brigade have been reprimanded by the Israeli military for inappropriate behavior . . .
Abby Klionsky ’14 said she found the referendum’s language at odds with PCP’s rhetoric. “The Facebook group, posters and petition clearly state that PCP’s aim is to boycott Sabra hummus,” she said in an e-mail.
“I have a sneaking suspicion that this referendum is not about having multiple options of hummus to buy as a consumer option, but rather make the process of boycotting Sabra hummus easier,” she added. [...]
Today marks another win for the global boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement against corporations that profit from severe human rights violations. Chicago’s very own DePaul University just announced that their dining services will be discontinuing the sale of hummus manufactured by Sabra, an Israeli brand known for its vocal and material support of Israeli Defense Forces. The administration has temporarily suspended the sale of Sabra products and will likely move towards permanently banning the brand from campus.Oddly enough, Debbie Schlussel slams Sabra for "caving in" on the Israel support and urges her readers not to buy it for pro-Israel reasons. I have most of a "Family Size" container of Sabra Roasted Garlic Hummus in my fridge right now as part of my Shabbos left-overs. At this point, I'd say the pro-Israel thing to do is to keep buying Sabra. And it doesn't hurt that it tastes good.
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