Sunday, October 15, 2006

Daily Kos: "Why Li'l Kim Deserves da Bomb"

To be fair to the Kos Krew, the comments mostly seem to be either negative or unsure as to whether this is a joke, but there seems to be at least a Kontingent in Kos-Land that really thinks like this, weird flippancy and all:
After the Wall came down and the Commie empire temporarily fragmented, the world was confronted with the dangers of Ukes with Nukes, than whom there is hardly a more emotionally unstable people on earth. But by a judicious application of American bribery and Russian threats, most of the ex-Commie nukes and even some of the White ones were decomissioned; while the South Africans, no longer desirous of using it against their own population, voluntarily gave up theirs.

Nowadays the threat of a Second Slant Bomb is exercising the tiny minds of an impotent and crazed American administration. American financial muscle exerted on the UN has resulted in the kind of resolution it likes to enforce, unlike all the ones requiring Israeli compliance. This one calls for trying to starve some of the poorest people in the world, already little in contact with the international economy. They are to suffer for the sin of their leaders' insistence on having the same nuclear guarantee of freedom of action that many another minor power has.

Though some want to argue that the North Koreans are too irresponsible to have the bomb, it would be difficult not to conclude that so is everybody else. The list of the reckless starts with the White People who invented it and remain the only people to have used it.

So when Li'l Kim comes along and says he deserves to have the Second Slant Bomb on the simple grounds that he can make one if he wants and that no one has the right to stop him, he is, unfortunately, correct on both counts. Any control the US or UN might have pretended to exert was long ago eroded on this and so many other issues.

And lest it be forgot, there are more slants, dinks, slopes and other Yellow Perils than there are people of any other kind of race. If you count the Commies as White People, the Whites already have two bombs, unless you count the Jews too, in which case it's three. So the slants are really proportionally entitled to at least four bombs, and you can make a case for five.

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