Sunday, January 21, 2007

Linkim 1/21/07

Haveil Havalim 103 is up! So is Carnival of the Insanities.
So is Kosher Cooking Carnival 14.

IMAO discusses the "California Legislature Spanking Ban."

Sharon Chadha reports on the debate between Ken Livingston and Daniel Pipes. (h/t: Power Line)

Deborah Lipstadt diagnoses "Jimmy Carter's Jewish Problem."

Nick Cohen asks "Don't you know your left from your right?"

Simply Jews observes that "the dust finally settled" where Chavez is concerned. See the BBC "Have your say" section for numerous pro-Chavez comments.

Catch the latest EOZ News.

ScrappleFace reports on a bill which would "Cap GOP Senator Numbers."

According to Judeosphere: "Amazon Surrenders."

Life of Rubin has numerous posts on the postponed JIB awards, J-Blog Awareness Month, recent links, etc.

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