Thursday, September 14, 2006

Daily Kos: "America Converts to an Islamic State per Al Qaeda Request"

Well, not exactly. Well, not at all. Ok, so where do we go from here, reader? Stay with me, lets mingle our thoughts to enjoy and contemplate the fruits of our mutual assessment, whether in agreement or disagreement.
I'll read a few more paragraphs, but I don't know about this thought-mingling stuff.
After the 636 A.D. Battle of Yarmuk and the 637 A.D. Battle of Qadisiyya; Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Persia fell under Muslim control. The Caliphate.

In 638 A.D. The "Covenant of Umar," between Umar Ibn Khatib and the Christians of Jerusalem decreed that Muslims should forever thereafter guarantee Christians freedom of religion, use of their churches for worship, and the right to visit holy places. It rescinded the Roman banishment of Jews from Jerusalem and accorded Jews all the rights granted Christians. Taxes under this regime were considerably less than under Byzantine rule and non-Muslims were allowed to pursue their own religious beliefs, Jews and Christians almost universally welcomed their new rulers.

I for one think this is a pretty sweet deal and maybe we should just capitulate and become part of the caliphate. Lower taxes, freedom of religion, leaders who care and are focused on social well being. Sounds better than living in a country run by a Bush. While, I jest entirely. I ponder the differences in reality that we all have as humans. To some an American capitulation to an Islamic state is reasonable and necessary. To others it is ludicrous and non-sensible.

I mention all of this only because the most recent tapes from Al Qaeda suggest we face impending strikes for our gluttony and evil role in the world if we do not convert and capitulate. All of this for you to answer my poll.
Go ahead, take the poll.

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