Thursday, September 07, 2006

Steyn on his non-Jewishness

According to Steyn: "the last Jewish female in my line was one of my paternal great-grandmothers, both my grandmothers were Catholic." I had wondered about that myself. Here is a memorable paragraph:
So, yes, I am a Jew, because, after all, only a Jew could “defend” Israel, right? I don’t really “defend” it on anything but utilitarian grounds: Every country in the region – Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia – dates as a sovereign state from 60-70 years ago. The only difference is that Israel has made a go of it. So should we have more states like Israel in the region or more like Syria? I don’t find that a hard question to answer. And the minute people start arguing about going back to the “1967 borders” or the “1948 armistice”, I figure why stop there? Why not go back to the 1922 settlement when the British Mandate of Palestine was created and rethink London’s decision to give 78% of the land to what’s now Jordan? If you propose that, folks think you’re nuts. But why should 40 or 60 year old lines on a map be up for perpetual renegotiation but 80 year old lines be considered inviolable?
Ayein sham. (Read the rest.)

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