Tuesday, June 06, 2006

BBC asks, "Do you think it was right for the Colonialist Settler State to commit unprovoked aggression against the peace-loving Ba'athist regime?"

Here is the question:
Was Israel right to bomb Osirak?

Was Israel's destruction of Iraq's nuclear reactor 25 years ago justified?

Israeli warplanes set back Saddam Hussein's nuclear programme when they bombed his main reactor in 1981.

The UN Security Council condemned the attack and called on Israel to account for its own undeclared nuclear programme - a demand Israel still ignores.

Do you think Israel was justified in bombing Iraq's nuclear reactor? Is it right for any state in the Middle East to have nuclear weapons when the region is so unstable?
It certainly seems that they want to tilt the answers in a certain direction, doesn't it? (Hat Tip: LGF)

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