Monday, November 10, 2008

"Kim Jong Il Sends Vehicles and Equipment to Chongjin Goat Farm"

The last time we covered the Dear Leader's invaluable goat-related field guidance, it was at the Hamju Phyongphungdok Goat Farm. He wasn't actually present this time. That doesn't sound too Songun. Will the goats soon be making their great leaps forward without their beloved general?
General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent vehicles and equipment to the Chongjin Goat Farm.

He gave field guidance to the farm in May last and advanced highly important tasks to be fulfilled in managing and operating it.

A meeting was held on the spot on Nov. 10 to convey the vehicles and equipment.

Present there were Hong Sok Hyong, chief secretary of the North Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials concerned and employees of the farm.

Hong made a conveying address at the meeting which was followed by speeches.

Speakers said that the vehicles and equipment carry the warm love of Kim Jong Il, tender-hearted father who is taking pains to provide the people with much more various dairy products, and his trust and expectation that the employees of the farm would achieve greater success in the efforts to realize the intention of the Party.

They called upon all the employees of the farm to always cherish deep in mind Kim Jong Il's on-site instructions and his warm benevolence and bring about a great advance in goat breeding and output of dairy products, thus contributing to the improvement of the people's livelihood.
The Dear Leader may be Juche-licious, but the latest Haveil Havalim is at Jewlicious.

Update: "Japanese TV: Kim Jong Il may have had second stroke last month"

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