Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting says the thing which is not:
A number of prominent Hollywood actors and actresses have lambasted the United States and the Zionist regime for their crimes and atrocities against Muslims, with some denouncing Zionists as the source of all wars throughout the world.You can't make this stuff up, but they can.
The London-based Arabic-language "Ilaf" newspaper has asked a number of well-known Hollywood stars and glitterati to declare their opinion about recent events in middle east, in particular the Israeli military offensives in Gaza and Lebanon.
Hollywood actor, Al Pacino, the star of such Hollywood classics as The Godfather, The merchant of Venice, said: “You only have to look at Israeli history, to find out where terrorism originates”.
Australian-born actor, and Hollywood superstar, director and producer, Mel Gibson, who starred in Oscar-winning “Braveheart”, and directed the controversial film, “The Last Temptation of Christ”, said: “Zionists are the source of all wars throughout the world, and I hope for their destruction”.
Hollywood actor, Dustin Hoffman, who starred in such classics as Kramer vs. Kramer, and Papillion, said: “With creation of Israel, humanitarianism has been destroyed”.
Reader Comments:
I must say that I admire the courage of Al Pacino, Mel Gibson, and Dustin Hoffman in expressing their political views in such an admirable way. Very few people in the so-called "land of the free" are able to say anything critical about Israel. This is very refreshing indeed, specially when such comments come from Hollywood. There is hope for the US after all.
Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi | Homepage | 09.11.06 - 3:52 am | #
The Mel Gibson "quote" is mostly fabricated in a way that would be so obvious to anyone who follows the news that the IRIB article just looks like goofy propaganda. That is why I posted it. The other quotes are probably also bogus. Sorry.
Yitzchak Goodman | Homepage | 09.11.06 - 12:38 pm | #
Don't be sorry because this can be nothing but true =) you cn't just come and make people say things they didn't in such a public site. Juridic masures can be taken, if it's realy a "goofy propaganda" as you say the one who posted this puts himself at risque of prison, and so far everything seem to be quite.. and true =)
Aahd | 01.12.09 - 4:33 pm | #
Pay attention. The supposed Gibson quote is an inaccurate quotation of something he really said with some totally made-up phrasing tacked on. At the time of the post it was a big news story. So you can watch IRIB Radio making things up before your very eyes. Hope that helps.
Yitzchak Goodman | Homepage | 01.12.09 - 10:08 pm | #
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