Sunday, December 31, 2006

Linkim 12/31/06

Haveil Havalim 100 is up!

Carnival of the Insanities is up!

IRNA: "Tehrani worshipers overjoyed at Saddam's capital punishment"

My Right Word gives Norman Finkelstein a flunking grade in history.

Israel Matzav reveals "Saddam's last meal."

Shiloh Musings: Kassam attacks on Selma? Fowler next?

Mystical Paths: "The Fast, the Siege"

Steyn: "What we need in New Year is some resolution" (h/t: RCP)

Meryl Yourish presents "Saddam Hangman haiku."

Biur Chametz relates "A salty tale of intellectual property ferment."

Judeosphere observes that "Scott Ritter is Cautiously Optimisitic That Most American Jews Are Not Traitors."

Amir Taheri: "2007: War Clouds Thicken on the Horizon"

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