Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kim Jong Il awarded title "Royal Majesty Igwe Sir/ Dr Chris Ogakwu Igwe Okwuluoya III of Udi Kingdom, Enugu State, Nigeria"

Assuming that he lived to see this momentous occasion:
The title of "Royal Majesty Igwe Sir/ Dr Chris Ogakwu Igwe Okwuluoya III of Udi Kingdom, Enugu State, Nigeria" was awarded to leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 60th birthday of the DPRK.

A ceremony of conveying the title was held in Udi Kingdom in Enugu State of Nigeria on Sept. 7.

The chairman of the Guardians Council of Udi Kingdom spoke first at the ceremony.

Saying that it is the first time in the history of the Kingdom to award the above-said title to Kim Jong Il, the leader of the DPRK, the chairman extended the warmest congratulations to him on behalf of the Guardians Council and the people of the Kingdom.

Noting that it is quite natural for the Kingdom to confer its highest title to Kim Jong Il as he has performed great feats for the development of the DPRK and the welfare of mankind, the chairman highly praised the undying exploits he has performed in the efforts to accomplish the human cause of independence.

Then a decision of the Tribal Chief Council to award the title to Kim Jong Il was read out and the certificate of the tribal chief and his costume and others were conveyed to the DPRK ambassador to Nigeria.

Speeches were made at the ceremony.

The King of Udi said that Kim Jong Il was the first to be awarded this title not only in the community but internationally. [...]
I can well believe that.

Update: Does reading about the exploits of "Dr. Chris" give you an appetite for more in the same vein? Check out the latest Carnival of the Insanities from Dr. Sanity.

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