Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Linkim 5/22/07

(North) Korean News: "Architecture for Immortality of Leader"

Asharq Alawsat: "Fatwa or Fantasy"

IRIB: "Shenanigans against Lebanese resistance"

Fars News: "Iranian Jews Condemn Israel" [Possible security risk]

Hitchens: "Peanut Envy: The latest absurdities to emerge from Jimmy Carter's big, smug mouth" ("Pure pleasure"--Martin Kramer)


Mystical Paths
: "Shavuos"

MOChassid: "Fleishig Reinforcement"

Kankan Chadash: "Shavuos and Rosh ha'Shanah"

Divrei Chaim: "bikurim - zman gerama? (part 2)"

Dixie Yid: "Why do Chazal call Shavuos, 'Atzeres?'"

Gut Yom Tov!

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