Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Chanukah Protest Against Iran--Such a Swell Idea?

According to Emanuele Ottolenghi in a current article in National Review Online (flagged by MOT News) the following proposed protest was "recently launched by two London activists, and is already gaining support and sympathy elsewhere." She explains:
. . . here's an idea that ordinary citizens can adopt as a reminder to governments that in the end, for any hope to survive, we need freedom to triumph over tyranny. This year, Hanukkah coincides with Christmas. On December 27, the third night of Hanukkah, Hanukkah candles should be lit in public ceremonies across the streets, in front of Iranian embassies around the world. Jewish communities should organize a lighting ceremony in all those capital cities where Iran has an embassy, and in New York it should be done in front of the U.N. building, right beside the Iranian flag. According to Jewish law, anyone can light the Shamash, the candle that is used to light all others. Prominent leaders with bipartisan support should be invited to perform this symbolic act to reaffirm the light of freedom over the darkness of tyranny. And other public figures should endorse this initiative as a message to the Iranian authorities.
I am probably going to get slammed for being faint-hearted, but we should be very careful we don't inspire reprisals against as many as 25,000 Persian Jews still in Iran.

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