Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Asharq Alawsat: "Do Not Boycott Danish Products"

I have pointed out sensible editorials from this source in the past. This one at least has some sensible paragraphs:
To start with, an economic boycott would be economically futile because the majority of the products that featured on the leaflets or were mentioned in the text messages are part of Saudi-owned franchises. This means that those who will suffer the most are in fact the local franchise owners. For example, amongst the products that we are asked to boycott is a product that is being marketed by a Saudi businessman who employs possibly up to three thousand Saudi people in his firm . . .

What is simultaneously distressing and funny about the boycott campaign of Danish products, is that some columnists seek a false heroism by stirring emotions. Others see the issue as an opportunity for readers to swallow their less radical opinions in other matters at other times. Finally, there are those who simply could not find a better topic to meet the deadlines of their publication.

What puzzled me even more was how a fish restaurant could promote that it boycotted Danish imports unless the owner had found this an excellent opportunity to promote his own restaurant through condemning foreign products, all at the expense of people's emotions.
What comes next is very interesting:
Surely, the Danish newspaper in question has committed an unacceptable act on all humanitarian levels. Surely, a strong reaction should be taken. However, the correct reaction is more along the lines taken by the Muslims of Denmark, that is, by filing a lawsuit in the Danish courts against the newspaper in defense of our religious symbol, because there they realize that freedom of the press is not without regulations and rules. As for the Saudi fish restaurant owner, it would be more respectable and effective for him if he supported financially the organizations that are filing the lawsuit.
An "unacceptable act on all humanitarian levels"? It would be interesting to read a Muslim commentator who would actually come out and say, "We are a 'shame culture.' Insults mean more to us than they do to you; therefore we have a special right not to be insulted." Instead, we get a constant appeal to non-existent standards.

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