Thursday, June 07, 2007

MPAC-UK: "Outrage As Israeli Regime To Tag British Products"

I guess they'll only be buying British-made drool buckets:
This week the racist regime of Israel has backed a proposal to boycott Britain. In the proposal they have suggested that British made products are stamped with the words “This country is involved in an anti-Israel boycott”. The boycott itself was morally and ethically justified against a state which is "worse than South Africa Apartheid" – Not our words but those of a South Africa Jewish activist.

Now, it is time to stand up for Britain!

The Pro British Muslim Public Affairs Committee makes this much loud and clear: We will back the British farmers whose products are being tagged with the labels and we, the British people, will expose those Pro-Israeli supporters who have sold out Britain for their careers.

How dare these British MP's condemn the British people for boycotting Israel? Do they not see Israel’sabuses? It's use of children as human shields; the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages; the denial of basic human rights to the Palestinians; the refusal to meet Amnesty International delegates for meetings and information about policies; the denial of the Palestinian people to the right to freedom of movement; the Israeli policy of collective punishment (which by the way is outlawed: “… Collective penalties … are prohibited… Reprisal against protected persons and their properties are prohibited”. (Article 33, IV Geneva Convention); the implementation of discrimination“… all protected persons shall be treated with the same consideration by the Party to the conflict in whose power they are, without any adverse distinction based, in particular, on race, religion, or political opinion”. (Article 27, IV Geneva Convention). We can go on but it would take 40 years [why 40 lol] [brackets and drivel in original] to list to the all the injustices committed by the Apartheid state. gross human rights

The Muslim Public Affairs Committee is asking fellow British Citizens to start purchasing home made British products and to start a boycott of all apartheid products, and those who stock apartheid products here in Britain. A prime example being the unethical retailer Marks & Spencer's.

It's time we stood up against the apartheid states economical blackmail. Yes, we are the British people who throughout history stood out against injustice and now it's Israel's turn. The justice of the British people is here.
Crossposted on Soccer Dad

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