A current Elder of Ziyon post calls attention to an article in the Guardian, that well-known bastion of Zionism, about Asghar Bukhari, one of the founding members of MPAC-UK. Bukhari apparently once gave money to David Irving. MPAC has now responded to the Guardian article, and their response, of course, involves screaming about a "Zionist smear campaign." The title to this post is taken from the summary of the article (shown in the screen shot) that appears on the main page of the MPAC-UK site. The link is to the full article. The summary goes on to quote the idol of all MPACsters, the great Finkelstein:
As Finkelstein said, "the main purpose behind these periodic, meticulously orchestrated media extravaganzas is not to fight anti-Semitism but rather to exploit the historical suffering of the Jews in order to immunize Israel against criticism."Click on the image to enlarge.
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