Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mehr News: "refusal to recognize the 'Holocult' as just another Zionist propaganda lie"

As you read this, remember that it is being disseminated by the state-controlled press of a regime that is working to acquire nuclear arms:
As a regular visitor of and subscriber to various dissident blogs and newsgroups, I can’t help but being amused at times by the “Berührungsangst” (German: fear of contact), at times bordering to paranoia, of some activists displayed towards each other. In particular, pro-Palestinian activists seem to be infected by the so-called Requisite Knee-fall Paragraph Syndrome (RKPW).

Ingrid Rimland, the wife of Germany's most prominent political prisoner [i.e.,Ernst Zündel--YG], describes the RKPW like this:

It kicks in whenever the so-called “Holocaust” comes up. It’s automatic. One cannot help it. By inner command, one must immediately get down on one’s knees, bow to the dust, pay homage to the “six million”, get up, kick Hitler in the shin, deplore the “racism” of the Third Reich, and otherwise distance oneself from the period of ’33-45’ so that there is no doubt as to exactly where one stands -- fair square against (gulp!) “Nazis”.

In the case of some ethnic Palestinian activists, there seems to be a bit of a competition going on between the Palestinian and The Jewish Holocaust (trademark). They almost seem to be jealous of how well the Jews have done out of ‘their Holocaust’ and keen to copycat them, especially when it comes to the question of reparations.

As much as I can sympathize with the 'leftie' hate for everything to do with fascism, I think they are fighting a war that's been won more than 60 years ago. I suspect that their refusal to recognize the 'Holocult' as just another Zionist propaganda lie is motivated by the perceived moral superiority it gives them over the political right. I haven't given up hope though. Most of us have come to accept that we have been lied to about the murder of JFK, about the USS Liberty, about September 11, about WMD and all sorts of other things. It's only a matter of time until the last taboo of Western society is broken too.

Coming from a progressive, antiwar background myself, I have learned over the years that political positions are just that: positions, viewpoints that allow us to see things that people with a different viewpoint are often oblivious to. They provide us with frameworks that enable us to interpret 'reality' and come up with working solutions. True leadership requires the ability to 'switch frames' in order to come up with the best possible interpretation of what's actually happening and how to deal with it.

Unfortunately, the described disunity amongst activists comes at a high price. The anti-Zionist movement is split up in various factions, all pursuing their own little agendas. The Palestinians fight against the Zionist occupation, the Iraqis against the Zionist-inspired U.S. occupation. The Americans fight against the Zionist influence on U.S. foreign policies and try to hold them responsible for their role in the staged September 11 events. The Germans, Austrians, French, and Spaniards fight against the Zionist-inspired ‘Hate Laws’, established to prevent European scholars from questioning the Zionist claims relating to the alleged murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany and its allies. The Indians and the Chinese are trying to prevent total Anglo-Judeo control of the world’s remaining oil reserves.

This disunity amongst its opponents is such a perfect situation for the Zionists that they would have to artificially create it if it didn't come about by itself. It’s the old ‘divide and rule’ game the British played so well to rule their vast empire and prevent a situation where the rest of the world united against their domination.

Sixty years of brainwashing must come to an end. Thanks to the Internet, it’s becoming easier and easier for people all over the world to realize that they are fighting a common enemy: the ruthless and unrestrained greed of the Zionist mafia. Once they do, they will unite their efforts to rid the world of this cancer.

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