Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote Republican Tomorrow

The following from RealClearPolitics sums it up very well:
No one who follows politics even a little could imagine that the America of Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, and Nancy Pelosi would look anything like Ronald Reagan's America.

Yet, shockingly, this election hangs in the balance because many conservatives don't think it's worth coming out to vote. Races across the country will turn on who goes to the polls and who stays home. Conservatives should flock to the polls to protect Reagan's legacy.

Instead, Reagan's name and memory are invoked as excuses for apathy. Some conservatives are piqued that President Bush and congressional Republicans have not been true enough to the Reagan vision, accusing them of tacking before the wind on trade and spending and campaign funding, not doing enough to put God back in our schools, succumbing to the corruption of power. Conservatives, echoing the media, moan that the war in Iraq seems endless, unpopular, and un-winnable. Conservatives speak of teaching their leaders a lesson.

This is not the time. This is not the way. Because on every issue conservatives care about, giving power to Democrats will make things worse.
See also this and this.

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