Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jews sans frontiers calls B'Tselem the Z word

The title is "B'Tselem the zionist 'human rights' group" with "human rights" in scare quotes. At issue is the following from the Jerusalem Post:
The UN Human Rights Council and its recent Goldstone Report are either biased or mistaken respectively in some of their fundamental accusations against Israel, according to the director of one of Israel's main rights groups.

Even so, "Israel has only itself to blame" for its failure to investigate the accusations of abuses during January's Operation Cast Lead that led to the report, according to B'Tselem executive director Jessica Montell.

"There's no question that the HRC, which mandated the Goldstone [fact-finding mission into the Gaza fighting], has an inappropriate, disproportionate fixation with Israel," she said, adding that the Council was "a political body made up of diplomats, not human rights experts, which means that the powerful states are never going to come under scrutiny the way the powerless will. So China, Russia and the US will never have commission of inquiry, regardless of how their crimes rank relative to Israeli crimes."

Furthermore, the Goldstone Report itself, which was presented in its final version to the Human Rights Council on Tuesday, is "disagreeable" and mistaken in some of its gravest accusations against Israel, she believes. These include the claim that Israel intentionally targeted the civilian population rather than Hamas, and the "weak, hesitant way that the report mentions Hamas's strategy of using civilians [in combat]."
JSF is not pleased:
I've been happy enough to run with B'Tselem's criticisms of Israel in the past but I have had doubts about them. It was never anything I could actually put my finger on so I suppose I should be grateful for the fact that B'Tselem's group director, Jessica Montell, has decided to run with the zionist pack over the Goldstone report on Israel's bout of war crimes against the civilian population of Gaza at the end of last year and the beginning of this one.
The intrepid frontierless one introduces his response by asking "Is comment necessary here? Oh alright then, here goes . . . " Do we have to waste any attention on his comments (unless they're funny)? Naaaah.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

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