Sunday, December 17, 2006

Linkim 12/17/06

Haveil Havalim 98 is up! Carnival of the Insanities is also up. Update: So is Kosher Cooking Carnival 13.

A recent study reveals "Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians."

Seattle P-I: "Kosher foods catching on with non-Jews too"

Efraim Karsh: "The Iron Illusions of Rashid Khalidi" (h/t: Campus Watch)

Wall Street Journal: "Polite society helped pave the way for Iran's Holocaust conference." (h/t: Martin Kramer)

A Simple Jew has a number of Chanukah posts. Here is the latest.

Divrei Chaim examines "shabbos candles and chanukah candles."

Joseph Hertzlinger asks "Why did the chicken cross the road at the Holocaust Denier Convention?" "Offering Support for a Menorah, Unofficially" (and many other recent Chanukah posts) "Ahmadinejad good for Jews"

Jewish News of Northern California: "Pluralistic menorah will light up Sunnyvale mall"

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