Just when I start thinking they don't love me anymore, they post this:
The Zionist state is accelerating its Hasbara campaign, by forming “Internet Warfare Squads”, their sole remit: to post pro-Israel responses on websites worldwide. This assault on free speech and effectively muzzling any criticism of Israel is a tool which will be used in the public relations war, the Zionist thought police are only a click away."Young people who speak at least one language"--wow, those are hard to come by!
Ynet news reports that the Israel Foreign Ministry intends to hire young people who speak at least one language and who study communication, political science, or law – or alternately, Israelis with military experience gained at units dealing with information analysis.
A budget of $150,000 has been set aside to pay the bloggers who will serve the Zionist state. [...]I could use some of that dough.
This anti-democratic initiative is typical of the Zionist state, one that flies in the face of their self proclamation of being the only democracy in the Middle East. Any attempt to plant talkbacks online must fail. Especially if the State is behind it. Not only because it’s easy to identify responses made on behalf of someone, but also because it’s anti-democratic. When the Israel Electric Company or other companies do it, it’s annoying. Yet when the State does it, it’s dangerous.So what is MPAC-UK worried about? They have no thought to control.
Impostors on behalf of the government are threatening free discourse even if they only wander through the virtual space. The Internet was meant to serve as an open platform for dialogue between people, rather than as a propaganda means.
Something worrisome is happening here lately. We see the accumulation of silencing attempts. The Nakba Law, the bill calling for a ban on protests outside the homes of politicians, Lieberman’s Loyalty Law, and the biometric information database.
The free speech hunting season is on. [...]
Never mind a Big Brother state.
This is far more dangerous.
The planet earth is in real danger of being controlled by the Zionist thought-police.
Crossposted on Soccer Dad
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